100 PEOPLE Book

 I was dead alright.I was pouring a glass of iced tea for my son Daniel and myself.I don't know what happen exactly but I knew I was laying on my kitchen floor.I couldn't hear anything and I especially wanted to hear the lawnmower my son was pushing outside.I also noticed that I felt relaxed.I had been  high strung all my life and for the first time I didn't feel all that tension in my body.I couldn't move or open my eyes and I'm not sure if they were open but I couldn't see.

   My mind seem to be rushing as the realization hit me that I may actually be dead. I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness when I thought of Daniel.Would he come in and find me stiff as a board?Was there anything I could do to fight against this thing called death.

  I still felt that rush and it was building as I began to realize that I wouldn't be seeing my beautiful son today.

   What brought Danny inside at just the right time  to save my life? I will save that  to tell you just how that happen later.What I want you to know is that I was clinically dead.My first conscious thought was hearing a Doctor discussing when I was to transeferred and I later learned I had been in a coma like state for 3 days and remarkably I just sat up for breakfast on the third day.

   I didn't know all this until I was told later by Daniel.I was very fortunate that he was worried about me and used that as an excuse to come inside.The last few years my son has been doing a lot of "extra" things for me.


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  • Posted by:John

100 PEOPLE Book Project is just being set up this is a great system
